Sept 2023
September 22, 2023
Brookville Buzz (Sept. 22)
Dear Brookville Families,
We have had an absolutely wonderful week here at Brookville. The weather has been warm, students are participating in Cross Country and many of our intermediate students have been practicing for the upcoming flag football games. Many classes have been outdoors taking advantage of the sunshine and fresh air.
If you would like to order pizza for your child please visit school cash online and fill out your order by today, Friday September 22nd. Unfortunately we can not accommodate any LATE ORDERS.
Open House FUNraiser
We are so excited to welcome you and your family to Brookville on Thursday September 28th. Please come and enjoy an evening of fun and drop by your child's classroom to say hello to their classroom teacher. The fun begins at 5:00 pm, classroom visits will be open from 5:30 -6:30 pm and the festivities end around 8:00 pm. We will send further information next week with a few more details.
Picture Day
We are excited to have our picture day take place on October 5th. Edge Imaging will be taking individual photos of each student for our 2022/23 year book and they are happy that they get to capture all our students smiling.
Some of our families have received notification that we are undergoing a reorganization in our junior classrooms. A reorganization occurs when our registrations are either below or above our projections. This year our registration is below projections causing a shift in classroom allocations. This year, we will be losing a junior classroom and creating combined classes within the junior division.
Here are a few answers to your questions:
How do staff determine which student is changing classrooms or teacher?
This is a very thoughtful decision. Decisions are based on academic and social considerations. In some situations we will have combined classes with a small number of students in one grade combined with another grade. At Brookville, regardless of the grades in the class we first and foremost create a community of learners. Students are taught and evaluated based on their grade level in both straight and combined classes.
How do teachers welcome and support this transition?
We have skilled educators who focus on building a class community that is inclusive and welcoming. Students work together developing a variety of skills in mixed ability groups to gain understanding of concepts being taught and to strengthen their learning skills.
How do I support my child?
This is an amazing opportunity to teach your child about resiliency, and the importance of adapting to changes that are unexpected. Supporting your child by highlighting the positives about this change will support their transition.
We would like to thank our families for your continued support as we complete our reorganization process.
What is the process for picking up my child during the day?
It is always appreciated to have a heads up before you pick your child up. Please inform both the office and your child's teacher if you know of any scheduled appointments as early in the day as possible. This way we can have your child(ren) ready when you come to pick them up.
For unscheduled appointments please call the school office at 905-854-2424. We will coordinate with your child’s teacher and inform them of the time they need to be in the office ready to be signed out.
If your child will be picked up by a friend or other emergency contact at the end of the day, please inform the office and teacher(email) before 10:00 to ensure staff know of the alternate arrangements.
If your child is going to be absent from school please ensure you enter their absence through SchoolMessenger. Please visit the following link for further information regarding how to report a Student Absence (check out this link for more information)
Pediculosis( Head lice)
We encourage all of our families to check their children's hair on a regular basis for Pediculosis (head lice). We would recommend checking weekly to prevent the spread and if your child does contract Pediculosis please see below for our boards process:
If your child is experiencing discomfort at school we will contact you immediately
If your child has head lice, begin treatment as soon as possible (once your begin the first treatment your child can return to school)
Please let the school know if your child has Pediculosis
We no longer need any documentation from a doctor or screening agency to return to school
From Halton Student Transportation Services
Every September, when students and drivers are getting accustomed to new routines, there tends to be a higher frequency of delays. We thank families for their ongoing patience and understanding during this time. We expect Bus Operators to promptly communicate any delays and provide updates so that families have the chance to make necessary adjustments to their plans. We encourage families who have not already done so, to sign up for a Parent Portal account and add their child(ren). This will ensure they are automatically signed up to receive email notifications when delays are posted. For detailed instructions please click here.
We highly encourage anyone with a mobile device to download the free BusPlanner Delays app and sign up to receive instant notifications of route delays affecting their family. For detailed instructions please click here.
If you are sending your child to school with a lunch or snack that requires a utensil please ensure you send a utensil to school with them.
Please consider joining our school council this year. We are looking for parents who are interested in becoming involved in their child's school.
This is a great way to meet other parents, provide feedback, organize fundraisers and become involved in your child’s learning experience at Brookville.
Our School Council is a committee of parents/guardians and staff members that meet approximately 5 to 8 times throughout the school year to discuss ongoing school activities, provide feedback to the school administration, and organize fundraising events for equipment, programs, and events for the school community. In short, being a member of the Council provides you with the best opportunity to help shape your child's learning experience at Brookville! We are always seeking new members from our community and will be holding our first meeting on Monday, October 2nd at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in being a part of our school council team please fill out the Nomination Form linked here. This must be completed for any parent or guardian who would like to be a voting member. At our meeting on October 2nd, we will nominate and vote for our chair/co-chairs, secretary, and treasurer. Please note these positions are for the 2023/24 school year. The council will consist of parent members in accordance with our School Council Constitution.
Occupational Therapist Visits
This year, our school will have regular visits by an occupational therapist (OT) from ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development.
OTs are health care providers who use their skills to help students join in school and learning activities. The OT may visit the classroom, gym or playground to work with the school team to support classroom needs. The OT can work on activities with the class like printing and cutting and following classroom routines.
In some cases, a child may need more specific OT support. The teacher may ask the OT to observe your child to see if OT service would be helpful. The teacher will speak to you before making this request.
The teacher will ask for your consent if an OT referral is needed. Service may include one to one or group sessions and home activities.
You can find OT workshops and resources at Please contact ErinoakKids at 905 855 2690 ext. 1 if you have any questions.
September 15, 2023
Brookville Buzz
Dear Brookville community,
Week two in the books! The weather has been nice this week for students to be outdoors! Many classes are taking advantage of making connections to the curriculum to our beautiful outdoor space. We are certainly fortunate to have an environment where the students can bring their learning outdoors!
Lunchroom Supervisor Paid Position
We are looking for a few community members who would like to be on our supply list to supervise our Kindergarten students during Nutritional Breaks. If you are interested please contact Miss Smith at
If you are sending your child to school with a lunch or snack that requires a utensil please ensure you send a utensil to school with them.
Pizza Wednesday’s are Coming Back
If you would like to order pizza for your child please visit school cash online and fill out your order by Friday September 22nd. Unfortunately we can not accommodate any LATE ORDERS.
Learning Resource Teacher (LRT)
This year we have a Learning Resource Teacher (LRT), Amy McMullen, who will be at Brookville until the beginning of February. Mrs. McMullen will be supporting students in a variety of classrooms over the next five months. She will be working with classroom educators to provide additional small group instruction for students in literacy and mathematics.
Startup Forms
Please check your email for a Student Verification Form (google form) that will be sent out early next for you to complete. You will need your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN).
All start up forms (google form) are to be completed by the end of September.
A hard copy of the Elementary Physical Education and Intramural Information Letter was sent home with your child last week. Please return this ASAP.
Orange Shirt Day & National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
On Friday September 29th the staff at Brookville will be wearing Orange Shirts. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30), seeks to honour First Nations, Inuit, and Métis survivors, their families and communities, and to ensure that public commemoration of their history and the legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process. In anticipation of this day, we must ensure that we go beyond wearing orange shirts. We have a team of educators at Brookville who are providing information to share with each class to help deepen our understanding of why we are wearing Orange Shirts.
Our School Council is a committee of parents/guardians and staff members that meet approximately 5 to 8 times throughout the school year to discuss ongoing school activities, provide feedback to the school administration, and organize fundraising events for equipment, programs, and events for the school community. In short, being a member of the Council provides you with the best opportunity to help shape your child's learning experience at Brookville! We are always seeking new members from our community and will be holding our first meeting on Monday, October 2nd at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in being a part of our school council team please fill out the Nomination Form linked here. This must be completed for any parent or guardian who would like to be a voting member. At our meeting on October 2nd, we will nominate and vote for our chair/co-chairs, secretary, and treasurer. Please note these positions are for the 2023/24 school year. The council will consist of parent members in accordance with our School Council Constitution.
Terry Fox walk/run
Brookville is beginning to prepare for our annual Terry Fox School Run! Mrs. Smart’s Grade 3 students have volunteered to lead this year’s walk/run. We will be sending out more information in the next few weeks.
Cross Country
Thank you to the staff and coaches who dedicate their time to support all the students who are practicing and participating in Cross Country. The coaches are supporting all our runners during the first break on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. The students are excited to participate and be a part of this team. The Cross Country meet will be held on October 2nd 2023.
Fire Drill
We had our first scheduled fire drill this week (today) and all the students did a magnificent job. They exited the building quietly and quickly, they followed their teacher’s instructions when they were outside and they were extremely quiet! A job well done for our first fire drill of the 2023/24 school year.
Lock Down
Next week we will practice a lock down at Brookville. Staff will review what this will look like for our students and answer any of their questions they might have.
Picture Day
We are excited to have our picture day take place on Thursday October 5th. Edge Imaging will be taking individual photos of each student for our 2023/24 school year.
Babysitting and Stay Safe Courses
Red Cross Babysitting and Stay Safe courses are now offered 100% virtually using Google Meet. The Babysitting course takes place either over 3 days on the weekends (2 hours and 20 minutes each day) or as a full 1 day course on PA days. The courses are fun and students stay actively engaged with games, chat discussions, and videos.
If you have questions, you are welcome to email
September 8, 2023
Brookville Buzz
Dear Brookville Families,
We hope that your children enjoyed their first week of school and are ready for five days of learning next week. It is so nice to have the students back in the building. We love to hear our students laugh, engage, and participate in class discussions. The students have been enjoying exploring and building relationships with their educators and classmates.
Please find below a few reminders:
School year start-up forms
This is a reminder to please ensure you complete the electronic forms that were sent to you via email. We would appreciate you getting the Google forms filled out ASAP
Earlier this week we sent home a Physical Education form that needs to be returned to school. Thank you for your attention in getting this information updated and signed for the 2023/24 school year.
Open House/FunRaiser
This year we will be hosting our open house/Fun Raiser on Thursday, September 28th, 2023. This is an opportunity for our Brookville community to meet our staff, participate in some games, and enjoy an evening at Brookville. If you are able to volunteer an hour or two at this event, please contact Angela at
Lunch Time
Utensils- Don't forget to send your child with reusable utensils for their lunches. We do not provide plastic utensils. Thanks
Cross Country
The cross-country meet is on October 2nd, 2023 at Sherwood Park in Burlington. Everyone who comes out to all the practices will be eligible to attend the Cross Country Meet. Practices will begin on Monday, September 11th, and run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning (1st Nutrition Break)
Dot Day
International Dot Day is Friday, September 15th. We are encouraging our students and staff to wear dots in recognition of Dot Day! Here is some information about Dot Day:
International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.
The Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing, which has gone on to inspire countless children and adults around the globe.
Fire Drill
We will be having our first fire drill next week. Staff are reviewing what to do when students hear the alarm and where the class will meet. We will also be having a lockdown practice next week.
Life-Threatening Allergies
We have a number of students at Brookville who have severe allergies. Please do not send any product that contains peanut or tree nut products. We also have students with life-threatening allergies who carry an EpiPen for allergies to pineapple, kiwi, sesame seeds, fish, and seafood. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
School Council
Our School Council is a committee of parents/guardians and staff members that meet approximately 5 to 8 times throughout the school year to discuss ongoing school activities, provide feedback to the school administration, and organize fundraising events for equipment, programs, and events for the school community. In short, being a member of the Council provides you with the best opportunity to help shape your child's learning experience at Brookville! We are always seeking new members from our community and will be holding our first meeting on Monday, October 2nd at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in being a part of our school council team please fill out the Nomination Form linked here. This must be completed for any parent or guardian who would like to be a voting member. At our meeting on October 2nd, we will nominate and vote for our chair/co-chairs, secretary, and treasurer. Please note these positions are for the 2023/24 school year. The council will consist of parent members in accordance with our School Council Constitution.
School Council Information
Ontario Regulation 612/00 is the legislation that governs the operation of school councils. This Regulation has been amended by O. Regulation 330/10, School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees. The content of 612/00 has not been changed in 330/10. The following information is a synopsis of this Regulation.
Elections and Term of Office
One-year term beginning October and ending the following September
If an election is needed, it must be held within the first 30 days (calendar days) from the start of the school year
A parent is not restricted to the number of times they can be elected or acclaimed to the council
The first meeting of the new council must occur within 35 days (calendar days) of the election or acclamation.
Notice to Parents of School Council Nominations
Parents must be given a minimum of 14 days (instructional days) notice of the date of the election. The Parent Nomination Form must be filed in the Main Office prior to the election date and indicates interest in being a parent voting member of the new council. The Nomination form does not indicate a preference for a parent executive position on the council.
School Council Executive Positions
At the first council meeting of the school year, October, the elected parent members of the council will choose the chair/co-chairs, secretary, and treasurer. The Principal sets the date of the October meeting of the new council.
Details of the Positions and Responsibilities of the Council
For more information, please go to and type School Council in the Search area, Click on School Councils to take you to the School Council page. You can download the New Members, Membership, and Elections to read the details of roles and responsibilities.
As the 2023-24 school year begins, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, has prepared messages to Ontario parents. Please view the letter to parents/guardians and back to school video message.
Baby Sitting
Stayin Alive with First Aid, CPR & AED is a proud Canadian Red Cross training partner giving people the knowledge, practice, and tools to help in an emergency and save lives. We have taught thousands of school-age children across Ontario both in-class and online for five years now. Our Youth Leaders specialize in the learning needs and behaviours of students.
If parents have questions, they are welcome to email us at Our first Babysitting course will be held on the Oct. 6th PA day.
Please check out our website at
On behalf of the Brookville staff, we would like to wish you a wonderful week.
September 1st, 2023
Dear Brookville Community,
On behalf of the staff at Brookville, we hope that you are enjoying the last week of the summer break. It is always amazing how fast the summer goes by. This year, we are really excited to welcome our students back and we look forward to meeting our new students and their families.
Each Friday I will send out a weekly communication to all of our families. For those of you who are new to Brookville, this weekly update is called the Brookville Buzz. This is where you will find out what has been happening at Brookville and information regarding any upcoming events.
If you have driven by the school our parking lot and part of our playground are currently under construction. We have been informed our parking lot and playground will be accessible for the start of school. If by chance it is not, I will send out further communication regarding our first-day procedures.
Below are answers to some questions you may have. If we missed anything, please reach out and we will do our best to answer your questions.
How do I find out who my child’s teacher is?
You will receive an email between Friday, September 1st and Tuesday, September 5th that will indicate who your child’s teacher will be.
You will need to have access to your child’s OEN number which is located on the June report card.
If your child is entering Kindergarten this year, you will receive a separate email from the classroom teachers.
If you do not receive an email don’t worry! We will help your child find their teacher on Wednesday, September 6th.
Will MCRC be up and running?
Yes, they will be. If you would like more information please contact MCRC.
Milton Community Resource Centre
410 Bronte Street South
Milton, ON. L9T 0H8
(905) 876-1244 ext. 416
What do I buy for back to school?
There is no requirement to purchase supplies for your child for school. With that being said, we understand that many students enjoy having their own pencil case with pencils/pens, crayons/pencils, crayons, highlighters, glue sticks, and a binder or two for older grades.
In the event that something specific might be needed teachers will reach out to all families.
Staff and students always appreciate when families send in the “soft” boxes of tissue.
Can my child bring in their own technology?
It would be best to consult with your child's teacher prior to bringing in technology.
What is the process for picking up my child during the day?
It is always appreciated to have a heads-up before you pick your child up. Please inform both the office and your child's teacher if you know of any scheduled appointments. This way we can have your child(ren) ready when you come to pick them up.
For unscheduled appointments please call the school office at 905-854-2424. We will coordinate with your child’s teacher and inform them of the time they need to be in the office ready to be signed out.
Where will my child keep their personal belongings at school?
Grades 1-8 students will have either a locker or a cubby.
FDK students will have access to the cubby area
What about the Lost and Found?
Please label your child's sweaters/jackets, water bottles, and lunch bags so that they may be returned to you. We have a lost & found located at the front doors of the school.
How will visitors be managed at Brookville?
We ask all visitors to check in at the front door of the school so we can assist you when entering the school
If you would like to speak to one of our staff members please send them an email and they will coordinate a time to meet in person or via Google Meet.
What about Physical Education?
Phys Ed classes will be held both indoors and outdoors depending on the skills that the classes will be focussing on.
Children in Kindergarten to Grade 6 should arrive dressed appropriately to allow full participation in Physical Education and DPA activities.
For safety, running shoes must be worn (lace-up, velcro, or tie-up).
Appropriate gym attire must be worn while participating in Physical Education.
Students in Grades 6-8 should use roll-on deodorant before and after class. Spray on deodorants, perfumes or colognes is not permitted at school. Your child’s physical education teacher will go over change room protocols.
Where will my child eat during Nutrition Breaks?
Students will eat in their classrooms at their desks.
We provide lunchroom supervision (a combination of paid lunch supervisors and staff members).
The two nutrition breaks will be from 9:55 to 10:35 a.m. and from 12:15 to 12:55 p.m.
Students will be inside for 20 minutes of the break and outside for 20 minutes.
On inclement weather days, students will engage in individual or small group activities in the classroom during the outdoor portion of the break.
Will my child have access to the water fountains?
Your child will have access to our bottle-filling stations. Please bring a refillable water container that has a lid and labeled with your child's name on it
All drinking fountain faucets will be accessible.
Water bottle-filling fixtures will remain and will be flushed daily as per Regulation 243/07.
What Your Child Should Bring / Wear to School
Wear Running Shoes - Please ensure your child is wearing proper running shoes each day. We strongly encourage all our students to bring indoor shoes to help keep our school halls and classrooms free from mud, sand, and dirt.
Lunch /snacks in reusable containers in a lunch bag- everything that comes into the school will go home! Like a boomerang!
A refillable water bottle. This will go home nightly to be washed.
A box of tissues – We have tissues but yours are softer. Please feel free to donate to your child’s class/school. This is not required.
On the first day of school
Staff will be wearing orange/yellow vests, holding a sign with their name(s) and grade on it.
There are three locations where homeroom staff will be:
Primary staff (grades 1-3) will be on the primary blacktop located on the south side of the building
Junior staff (grades 4-6 ) will be on the junior playground located on the north side of the building.
Intermediate staff (grades 7-8) will be at the back of the school on the blacktop.
Students should proceed to their designated area /classes.
Many other staff members will be located along the south side fence helping direct students.
Please have your child dressed for inclement weather, just in case we are outside for an extra few minutes.
Morning drop-off procedures :
If your child is taking the bus we will have staff greeting each bus as it arrives and directing all children to the appropriate area to meet their classroom teacher(s).
Kindergarten Information
In order to facilitate a successful transition for our Kindergarten students we are asking parents who are planning on dropping their child off at school to please arrive at 8:30 a.m. for the first week of school September 6th - September 8th. The Kindergarten team will send out information with details regarding where to meet. If your child is taking the bus we will greet them at the bus and take them to the Kindergarten courtyard.
If you have a child in Kindergarten that you are picking up at the end of the day, we are asking that you pick up your child at 2:20 p.m. for the first week of school September 6th-September 8th at the primary gate located at the south end of the school.
Dropping your child:
If you are driving your children to school please read the following carefully.
For the safety of all our children please do not enter the school parking lot or the small parking lot located to the south of the school.
We do not have an appropriate drop-off zone to safely support a large number of cars. In order to avoid congestion at the front of the school and to ensure we are keeping all kids safe we are asking you to kindly follow the process below:
Park your car at Brookville Park:
Enter the Brookville Park parking lot from Guelph Line
Park your car
Walk your child along the paved path to the chain link fence.
If your child is in grades 4-8 they can proceed to the junior/intermediate blacktops.
After School Pick up
Park your car at Brookville Park.
Walk to the school following the paved path to the fence.
Wait for your child at the primary gate-please do not come onto the playground as this is where our students will be lining up in their bus lines.
If your child is in grade 4-8 you can meet them at the top playground where the path curves.
Important Reminders
To help ensure a smooth arrival and dismissal, parents/guardians/ caregivers are asked to:
Please remain outside of the yard/play areas.
All playground structures are closed so please do not allow your children on them.
Other processes
Lunch programs will be available this year and we will send messages when our pizza and other lunch programs are beginning.
Forgotten items that are necessary for your child to get through the day, such as lunches, can be dropped off at the school.
Inside the front doors, we have a trolley available for items to be delivered to your child's class.
Please ensure all items are labeled with your children's names on them.
Bus Dismissal process
Please be advised that students may be waiting longer than anticipated for a bus to arrive at the end of the day.
The first week usually takes us a little longer to load buses as we support students with the end-of-the-day processes.
You may notice your child getting home later than usual. We recommend that you sign up for alerts through to avoid worrying and receiving no response to your phone call when buses are late because all available staff will be supervising the students while we wait.
K-4 Students
Signs will be posted with bus numbers on the Primary Blacktop for all buses
Students will line up in front of the posted sign.
Students will line up in order from Kindergarten to grade 4.
We will assign grade 4 students to be bus leaders.
Once all students have arrived we will load each bus in a systematic order.
5-8 Students
A sign located at the junior doors will indicate where the buses are located.
Upon dismissal, students will check their bus number and will load the bus independently (we will have staff supporting them).
Following a summer of growth, many kids need new clothes and shoes, in addition to classroom supplies, to start the school year off right.
But the added expense of Back to School is simply too great for more than one in 10 HDSB families who are struggling financially due to factors such as job loss, illness, or the high cost of living.
The Halton District School Board relies on the Halton Learning Foundation (HLF) to help ensure hundreds of HDSB students can start the year with clothing, school supplies, lunches and other basic necessities kids need to succeed in learning. Last school year, HLF responded to 2,000 requests to support HDSB students.
If you can help a child in your school community to start the year with the tools they need to be successful, please consider making a gift to HLF. Visit
If you are a parent who could use HLF’s help to send your children back to school, please contact your child’s teacher or principal, who can make a request to HLF on your behalf.
On behalf of the staff at Brookville, we look forward to welcoming all of our students back to Brookville and we are looking forward to your partnership.
Kind Regards,
Margaret Napier